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Let's Prevent Tooth Decay Before It's Too Late

Tooth loss occurs due to erosion of enamel in the teeth caused by acidic substances. In addition, a person with certain medical conditions, such as dry mouth, stomach acid disease, or people who take antihistamine drugs are also at risk for developing tooth loss. Enamel itself is the outer layer of teeth that serves to protect and prevent tooth decay. Unfortunately, this layer of enamel will eventually erode due to consuming too often certain foods and drinks. Symptoms of tooth decay or loss can be sensitive teeth and teeth become easily broken. So, what foods should be avoided to prevent the erosion of the enamel on the teeth?

Food and Beverage Causes Tooth Decay

In order not to experience porous teeth, you should avoid the following foods or drinks:

1. Bread

Who would have thought that bread could cause tooth loss? When chewing bread, saliva in the mouth will work to break down starch into sugar. Bread can stick between your teeth. As a result, the remaining bread stuck between your teeth will invite bacteria, causing cavities and porous teeth.

2. Sweet candy

Sweet foods, like cakes and sweets, can damage teeth and cause teeth to become porous. The sugar content in the food scraps attached to the teeth can invite bacteria. When bacteria process sugar as a source of energy, acidic substances that can make teeth become damaged and porous will form.

3. Fruit that tastes sour

The acid content of fruits, such as oranges and lemons, risks eroding the enamel and making teeth vulnerable to damage. If you want to eat sour fruit like this or drink water that has been given a squeeze of lemon water, do not forget to rinse your mouth by drinking water afterwards.

4. Carbonated drinks

Research has proven that consuming large amounts of soda drinks can damage teeth. This is because the drink allows the formation of dental plaque and produces more acid, which eventually makes tooth enamel eroded. In addition, the nature of soda can also make the mouth dry. This dry mouth condition makes bad bacteria easily damage your teeth.

5. Ice cube

The habit of chewing on something hard and cold, like ice cubes, can cause tooth enamel damage. Teeth also become vulnerable to damage, such as peeling or even broken.

Tips and Tricks to Prevent Tooth Decay

If you don't want to experience tooth loss, do the following:

1. Meet the nutritional needs

Enamel can become stronger if you regularly consume proper nutrition. One of the good nutrients for maintaining healthy teeth is calcium. Therefore, start eating foods high in calcium, such as milk and cheese. Also make sure you choose foods and drinks high in calcium that are low in fat.

2. Pay attention to daily food

To keep enamel healthy, avoid consuming too many snacks, such as chips, candy, and foods made from flour or sugar. This is because these foods are easily stuck between your teeth so that, vulnerable to invite bacteria and eventually erode the enamel layer.

3. Clean teeth with hygiene products containing fluoride

You can get fluoride from toothpaste or mouthwash. This substance can help strengthen enamel if it is used as part of daily dental care. In addition, fluoride can also repair tooth decay at an early stage.

4. Chew gum

Chewing gum can also be another way to prevent tooth loss. This is because gum can help maintain the production of saliva in your mouth. Make sure you choose sugarless gum so it is not easy to invite the appearance of bacteria in your mouth.

5. Reducing caffeine and alcohol intake

Drinks containing alcohol and caffeine can make your mouth dry if you consume too much. As a result teeth and gums can become dry and easily damaged. Nobody wants porous teeth. If you are a person who is at risk of experiencing it, start taking care of your teeth more regularly, so that the teeth are able to survive in good condition until old age. In addition, do not forget also to regularly check the condition of dental and oral health to the dentist every 6 months.


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